Oct 8, 2013

[WotLK] Mining Guide 1 - 450

Mining allows you to find and mine minerals, ores, and stones from resource nodes scattered throughout the world. It is one of the primary professions. Materials from mining and the items miners can create from them are reagents needed for recipes within other professions like Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting. Mining is a complementary profession to blacksmithing, engineering and Jewelcrafting. Mining provides ores, which can be used in smelting,(Included after learning mining. Note that while ores are minable at higher skill levels you need to manually learn the smelting recepies to create bars,) Which increases your skill level and creates ingots, which are far more commonly used than the raw ores.

[WotLK] Cooking Guide 1 - 450

From [Beer Basted Boar Ribs] to [Giant Clam Scorcho], there is no recipe too obscure or odd to attract notice from the chefs of Azeroth. Food is used in the game to heal players out of combat so that they are able to get back to fighting as quickly as possible.As you are traveling around the world, you will notice that you often receive pieces of meat which, instead of being sold to merchants, could be used to create food. If you are a player who relies on food, such as a non-healing player or a player who solos, cooking will be very important to you.

Oct 7, 2013

[WotLK] First Aid Guide 1 - 450

First Aid is a secondary profession which enables a player to heal themselves or others, and to remove poisons. First Aid practitioners may create a variety of bandages which can be used to heal any player. Bandages can be made from either [Linen Cloth][Wool Cloth][Silk Cloth][Mageweave Cloth][Runecloth][Netherweave Cloth], or [Frostweave Cloth]. Higher quality cloth produces more effective bandages. When applied to a character, bandages cannot be reapplied to that same character for the next 60 seconds, until the "Recently Bandaged" debuff disappears. First Aid practitioners can also make anti-venom consumables from venom sacs dropped by various poisonous monsters (e.g., scorpids and spiders), though they are not as powerful as those created by Alchemists.

Oct 4, 2013

[WotLK] Fishing Guide 1 - 450

Fishing is a secondary profession which allows players to fish various objects, primarily fish, from surfaces of water. Most raw fish are edible directly or can be cooked to improve their properties. Raising Fishing and Cooking skills together is a good synergy. Fish have value and can be vended (for a pittance, at low levels, or more valuable with rare fishes at mid and high level) or sold in the Auction House. [Deviate fish] caught both within Wailing Caverns and from the oases in The Barrens can fetch a good price, for example. A few fish are used as reagents for Alchemy, these will have a steady demand. Occasionally, fishing may also yield lower-level equipment, fish-related offhand items, locked chests, gems and herbs. However, the Fishing profession is often neglected, as it provides little opportunity to improve a character's stats.

Oct 1, 2013

[WotLK] Blacksmithing Guide 1 - 450

Blacksmithing is a profession and is the art of forging items out of metals, minerals, and other trade goods. Blacksmiths utilize bars of metal unearthed and smelted by the Mining profession along with various trade and magical goods to produce their wares.A blacksmith can create melee weapons, armor (mail and plate), trade items used as ingredients by other professions (such as rods for enchanters) and keys used to unlock a variety of items in the world. Additionally, blacksmiths can craft items that when applied to weapons can provide temporary (and in some cases, permanent) buffs to items.