Mining allows you to find and mine minerals, ores, and stones from resource nodes scattered throughout the world. It is one of the primary professions. Materials from mining and the items miners can create from them are reagents needed for recipes within other professions like Blacksmithing, Engineering, Jewelcrafting.Mining is a complementary profession to blacksmithing, engineering and Jewelcrafting. Mining provides ores, which can be used in smelting,(Included after learning mining. Note that while ores are minable at higher skill levels you need to manually learn the smelting recepies to create bars,) Which increases your skill level and creates ingots, which are far more commonly used than the raw ores.Mining can be a profitable gathering profession because of the large sums utilized by the other primary professions. Jewelcrafters require five ore per prospect, blacksmiths can use dozens of bars for specific items, and engineers use large amounts of ore for the many consumable materials they can create. Mining also tends to benifit other miners, like in the case of getting the materials to smelt Dark Iron Bar.Mining skill also grants the player ToughnessWell, so let's go and pickup Mining by visiting any Mining Trainer located at all major cities. If you have trouble finding them, you can ask any guard for direction.
Skill Requirements
Copper Vein
Tin Vein
Bronze Bar (smelting)
Silver Vein
Iron Deposit
Gold Vein
Steel (smelting)
Mithril Deposit
Truesilver Deposit
Dark Iron Deposit
Small Thorium Vein
Rich Thorium Vein
Fel Iron Deposit
Adamantite Deposit
Rich Adamantite Deposit
Cobalt Deposit
Khorium Vein
Rich Cobalt Deposit
Saronite Deposit
Rich Saronite Deposit
Titanium Vein
The information is pretty enough for now, let's go mining and don't forget to turn tracking on.
First Things First
First, visit any trainer in the main cities of old Azeroth - just ask a guard, and learn Apprentice Mining.Download the following addon: GathermateThis addon shows you every Mining node location on your map. The addon and the databse can be found here.Don't forget to turn on Find Minerals! Also don't forget to buy a Mining Pick from a Blacksmithing Supply vendor, they are usually near your trainer somewhere.You should always smelt your ores (with [Smelting]) to gain a few free skill-ups, the only exception is if you need the Ores for Jewelcrafting, then you shouldn't smelt them.
Learn Journeyman MiningHillsbrad Foothills is just simply the best place to farm Tin. If you are an alliance player you should still go there, but Northern Stranglethorn is a great alternative. You will see a red zone on the map, that zone is filled with Tin, it's everywhere. When you mined all of it, just go outside of the zone where you can see the little yellowish arrows, mine a few Tin and head back to the red zone because it's most likely that the Tin Veins there are already respawned.
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